Our Events


Mid East Iftar Celebration

Iftar begins immediately after sunset. It is not advisable to postpone it until a later time.

People begin to break their fast according to the Sunnah with dates or water. The Prophet Muha...

Ramadan Donations

 The Mid East Hunting Society is very rewarding to feed people in our community. Feeding fasting people in particular is much more rewarding. We understand that the situation of people who are fa...

Kids Christmas Party

This is the perfect opportunity for the Mid East Hunting Society to sponsor these kids, give them something to experience, and spread the joy of Christmas! This humanitarian gesture goes on during Ram...

Annual Breakfast

Our Annual Breakfast social gathering with other societies is an event which every member anticipated. This year’s event did not disappoint as much as the number of people that came together to make...

Annual Quarol 2023

Our Annual Quarol was successful as we broke another record of having the best of everything. It was marked as the event to beat simply because of the outstanding performance. We would like to thank e...

Unity Fundraising Event

The Mid-East Hunting Society Fundraising event was held on July 15th, 2023. As always, our fundraising event was a success.  This fundraising event was held in order to raise funds for our co...

Ogoon Day celebration

Our Ogoon Day celebration which was held on the 17th of October was a success. We greatly appreciate your support, and we would like to extend our sincere thanks to everyone that came to support us.

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Mid East Hunting Society Creating New Ideas For Our Community needs!